What kind of workflow do I need?

Nickolay Savchenko nsavch at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 01:58:50 GMT 2008


I've read about bazaar workflows, but I don't know what kind of  
workflow do I need.

I have such situation: I develop web sites alone, so I need to have 2  
branches -- server branch and development branch. Server branch should  
be optimized to run in production environment, development branch  
should be optimized for developing and testing new features.

So I need the following:

1. Ability to backport some features from development branch to server  
2. Ability to mirror working tree of server branch from development  
computer to server.
3. Merge bugfixes in server branch to development branch.

The main problem is that I have no experience with DVCS (I've used  
subversion before, but I don't like to setup svn server every time I  
need to develop some small project), so I cannot find the optimal way  
to organize my workflow. Any advice and experience sharing would be  
very welcome! Maybe I should have more than 2 branches? I really don't  
know how to get started with bzr.

Best regards,
Nickolay Savchenko

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