Gitk for Bzr?

Mark Williamson mark.williamson at
Thu Jan 17 16:32:49 GMT 2008

> It will, but I think what Per was getting at was wanting to see the diff
> introduced by that revision in the same TextView display as the commit
> message.
> I have a few thoughts on this:
> 1) yes, that would be cool
> 2) I've often found myself hunting around trying to find the patch that
> introduced a change. gannotate is no help here; I need to see the
> changes, not the current state and the revisions that happen to be the
> most recent to have touched something
> 3) which leads me to kinda wanting a fusion of gannotate and visualize,
> something by which you could, given a file, browse forward and back
> along the revision timelines and see the either a) annotated or probably
> more useful just b) the result of the changes shown as highlighted lines
> int the file. By itself that's pretty useless, but if the forward/back
> function was zippy it'd be very handy.

I was just thinking (last night, in fact) about adding this feature to my Push 
Me Pull You GUI, which already has basic graphical annotate support.

The "time travel" forward / backward interface should be fairly easy to 
implement and highlighting the lines changed by that revision should be 
straightforward too.  I might code it up later today if I have time.

> 4) couple that with some multi dimensional searching (ie maybe {search
> titles, commit messages, or text introduced in current change, ...} who
> knows) to speed the jumping around and it'd be bloody amazing.

pmpu can currently do a graphical annotate of a file (although it is a little 
slow at the moment for large files - I'm working on it) and live-filter the 
results using a search field.  This is only for searching within the file but 
you can limit the search to only apply to user name, revision no, date, etc 
or you can search all the data for each line.

By clicking a checkbox you can switch between only showing search "hits" and 
showing the whole file with the hits highlighted.

Searching / displaying the text of the commit message that relates to each 
line could be added quite easily.  Really I'd like to hyperlink 
from "revision number" to a graph-style revision viewer but the code isn't 
there yet.


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