Gitk for Bzr?

Marius Kruger amanic at
Wed Jan 16 05:23:33 GMT 2008

On Jan 16, 2008 4:51 AM, Andrew Cowie <andrew at>

> ...
2) I've often found myself hunting around trying to find the patch that
> introduced a change. gannotate is no help here; I need to see the
> changes, not the current state and the revisions that happen to be the
> most recent to have touched something
> 3) which leads me to kinda wanting a fusion of gannotate and visualize,
> something by which you could, given a file, browse forward and back
> along the revision timelines and see the either a) annotated or probably
> more useful just b) the result of the changes shown as highlighted lines
> int the file. By itself that's pretty useless, but if the forward/back
> function was zippy it'd be very handy.

at the moment (in gannotate) you can click on a line and then click back or
which will jump to the previous revision for that line (or forward to where
you come from)

4) couple that with some multi dimensional searching (ie maybe {search
> titles, commit messages, or text introduced in current change, ...} who
> knows) to speed the jumping around and it'd be bloody amazing.

that would be awesome


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