Gitk for Bzr?

Daniel Schierbeck daniel.schierbeck at
Thu Jan 17 15:38:00 GMT 2008

On Thu, 2008-01-17 at 13:09 +0100, Per Jonsson wrote:
> Daniel Schierbeck wrote:
> >
> > I honestly don't think it's necessary to see everything in a single tab
> > -- there's a limit to how much information you should present to the
> > user at any one time, and even a fold-out causes problems, in that it
> > makes the revision view re-size.
> >   
> Still it's the only reason why I haven't switched to Bzr yet. So to me, 
> and probably many other Git(k) users, it's quite important.
> Will it resize even if you add scroll bars?

No, using scrollbars would avoid resizing, but really, that's not the
point. A good interface should be simple and pretty, in accordance with
the HIG[1].

My vision of the viz is an aesthetically pleasing tool that only shows
the most relevant information. If there's a market for more hard-core
users, that don't mind a cluttered user interface, then a different
application can be developed -- it could easily reuse the widgets
developed as part of bzr-gtk.


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