Bazaar is ignored in some places?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Dec 13 09:44:33 GMT 2007

Matt Nordhoff пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Nils Ackermann пишет:
>>> David Clymer <david at> writes:
>>>> I emailed the author recently, suggesting an update and explaining that
>>>> it wasn't just an arch fork anymore, and was referred here:
>>>> So, if anyone wants to be a "champion"...
>>> Based on the feedback from the list I filled out the questionnaire,
>>> see below.  I'll wait two days for comments before submitting to
>>> Please check 1(f,g), 2(c), 3(c-e), 4(a,b); there were some discussions
>>> about these, and I'm not an expert, just a casual user of Bazaar.
>>> ** (e) Portability
>>> How portable is the version-control system to various operating
>>> systems,
>>> computer architectures, and other types of systems?
>>> Answer:
>>> Works on Windows, Linux, OS X, FreeBSD and basically on any system
>>> that has a recent Python port.
>> ^-- That's part is great.
>> v-- But please, exclude this.
>>> Does not work well on case insensitive
>>> file systems.  Needs native file system support for symlinks if it is
>>> to track symlinks.
>> <-- Because:
>> When you wrote "Does not work well on case insensitive file systems" --
>> it's just half of true. I am working on case insensitive filesystem
>> *every* day. And it works *well*. There is some rough edges but they
>> easily avoided. So your statement is misleading for such comparison.
>> This part: "Needs native file system support for symlinks if it is to
>> track symlinks" is also half of true. There is special plugin
>> win32symlinks that allow symlinks versionning on win32. And it works. If
>> you talk about webdav support via plugins, then why not talk about
>> symlinks support via plugin?
> Ok, how about this:
> "Case-insensitive file system support has some rough edges. Bazaar can
> only track symlinks on file systems without native support for them
> through a plugin."

I'd like to say: "Case-insensitive file system support has some issues."
It's more neutral definition for the fact that user is able to shoot at 
his own leg when he type filename in incorrect case in command-line.
Any GUI plugin reduce probability of this error to zero.

And BTW, svn also have some issues with different cases on windows.
I specially check it.

> I think case-insensitive FS support is somewhere between "rough edges"
> and "does not work well", though.
> About the WebDAV plugin, after reading another message on the list, I
> think it should be described as "experimental" or something.

I think so.

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