Notes on smart server network performance: what to do next

Andrew Bennetts andrew at
Sat Dec 8 00:09:45 GMT 2007

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> > One area we're trying to improve is the performance over the network when using
> > the smart server.  Here's a braindump composed from notes I made during a
> > conversation with Robert recently:
> The only thing I might add to this, is that sometimes the optimal disk storage
> is not the optimal network transfer layout.
> For example, we might use gzip/zlib for each hunk. But we would probably see a
> large compression increase if we could decompress them, and then send the whole
> thing as a large bzip2 stream. Since then you would get cross-hunk compression.
> (Though we have at least thought about doing cross-hunk compression for the
> disk storage, too).

True, but at significantly increased processing cost on the sending end.  For a
busy server that might not be desirable.  Simply decompressing the individual
hunks and then recompressing with zlib might not be a big load, but bzip2 is
pretty expensive on the compression side.

At the moment I think roundtrips are hurting us much more than shaving another
20% off total bytes transferred (that number is just a guess) by recompressing
for the network.  My feeling is recompressing for the network is less urgent
than the things in my original post.  I didn't mean the post to be exhaustive,
just to give an idea of what Robert and I think should be worked on next.

> Also, along those lines... even if you know that revision 100 is a fulltext
> locally, you might send a delta across the wire, since you know the client has
> revision 99. This would especially help bandwidth when you are sending 1
> revision which just happens to be a fulltext.
> I do know there is always the "make the server scale by pushing more work out
> into the clients", and CPU versus Bandwidth tradeoffs.

Yeah, I think this is worth pursuing, it sounds like it should be relatively

> Also, when we work out a better revision detection algorithm, we might also
> consider the benefits of not getting too fine-grained. If I send you 2
> revisions you don't need, that may be less of a penalty then spending more
> round trips getting it exactly right. (Especially true here are when a
> repository might have some extra file texts, etc, from a previously canceled
> push/pull. Though that effects Knits more).

Right.  For sending simple graph data it's a no brainer, because just sending
along a few more "node X has parents {A, B, C}" items costs very few bytes.  For
revisions, or even deltas of a file version, which can easily be arbitrarily
large, it's less clear what the best tradeoff is.

> Oh, that also brings something else up...
> With Knit format, if you do "bzr branch $BIG_PROJECT", wait 30 minutes and then
> ^C. You have quite a bit of content already downloaded which is in nearly
> usable form. You probably have copied a lot of the file-texts at least. Though
> we require you to re-download all of the inventory texts (which is a non
> trivial amount of data in the current scheme).
> With Packs, though, it is a "If I didn't download everything, then I get
> *nothing*". I'm happy to have the ability to consider interrupted data
> incomplete. But it sure would be nice if long transfers had a bit of
> checkpointing. So I think we want to be wary of being *too* pipelined.

That would be nice.  A prerequisite for that is transferring data in an order
where the receiving repository can use it without waiting for the rest of the
transfer to complete.  (Well, maybe not strictly a prerequisite, but it
certainly makes it easier.)


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