DVCS comparison for our organisation: decided

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Wed Oct 17 17:51:40 BST 2007

On (16/10/07 19:52), Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 03:33:48PM +1000 I heard the voice of
> Ian Clatworthy, and lo! it spake thus:
> > 
> >    (We have plans for better hooks support on the smart server but
> >    that will only help for orgs that *only* use that technology and
> >    not other technologies.)
> This is a current big lack.  It means that for practical purposes, the
> checkbox item "supports commit mailings" is a "no".
> ("Sure, you just get everybody ever dealing with this codebase to
> install this plugin on every system they work on, maybe updating it
> once in a while when an API changes or we change how we want the mails
> to look, and set this config item on every checkout of trunk they have
> wherever, making sure to update it everywhere if we change the
> desination address for a given project, oh, and make sure every system
> has a properly working SMTP setup at all times" is *NOT* a solution.)

dato's bzr-hookles-email attempts to do this, by running one instance
that watches a repository (yes, I mean the repository), and sends an
email when branches within change (push, commit etc.). You can then set
this up once watching the central repo, and get the mails with no user
configuration at all.

I've never set it up myself, but I am guessing it is quite easy to do



  James Westby   --    GPG Key ID: B577FE13    --     http://jameswestby.net/
  seccure key - (3+)k7|M*edCX/.A:n*N!>|&7U.L#9E)Tu)T0>AM - secp256r1/nistp256

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