[MERGE] 40% faster partial commits

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Fri Sep 21 09:17:58 BST 2007

Alexander Belchenko wrote:

>>> Partial commit has serious bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/140419
>>> Does your patch handle this case?
>> I'm aware of the bug; I don't know. I'm currently on an optimisation
>> pass for incremental commit, this patch basically makes the real speed
>> hogs more visible for me.
>> I suggest that the test case for that bug be added as XFAIL, then we can
>> see if we fix it more easily.
> I just sent patch with XFAIL test, and now I run this test with your patch.
> And it seems, that your patch fix this bug as well. If my testing is correct
> I think you need resubmit your patch, with corresponding test, and mention
> bugfix in NEWS.
> [ยต]

I believe the patch with your test is ready to merge with a tweak.
Robert's changes have been reviewed and merged into bzr.dev today. I
didn't get a chance though to test it with your new test, sorry. If you
don't mind, can you redo that with the merged code?

If it fixes the bug, I think it would be fine to directly submit a
change to NEWS documenting that the bug in question is fixed.

Ian c.

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