[MERGE] Make pull more forgiving of its location

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Tue Sep 11 13:52:33 BST 2007

>>>>> "fullermd" == Matthew D Fuller <fullermd at over-yonder.net> writes:

    fullermd> I ran across a case earlier tonite where I wanted
    fullermd> to reset the head of a branch, and the natural
    fullermd> choice is "pull -rwhatever .".  That croaks
    fullermd> unpleasantly if you're not in the root of the
    fullermd> branch, though, since it just tries to open() the
    fullermd> given location.  Attached fixes that.

What's wrong with:
  bzr pull -rwhatever --overwrite

with no 'location' specified at all ?



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