[MERGE] Updated the bzr smart server documentation

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Wed Aug 29 00:25:17 BST 2007

Martin Albisetti wrote:

> I'll be happy to go through the rest of the documentation and update
> it as much as possible.

That would be great - thanks for offering.

We really are hoping to get to 1.0 soon (see
https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2007q3/030231.html) and clear,
correct documentation is highly desirable given the likely increased
attention we'll receive. Some areas that need particular attention IMO are:

1. The User Guide. This is currently a loose collection of topics.
   Some missing topics need to be written. The overall flow needs help.
   Existing topics need editing for completeness and to reduce
   redundancy (when it's bad) across topics.

2. The FAQ needs auditing to remove obsolete stuff. We still seem to get
   asked the same things over and over again on IRC, e.g. re break-lock.
   Maybe that's a reflection on the FAQ or maybe that's a reflection on
   IRC. :-) Maybe the new fangled "Answers" feature of Launchpad is a
   better direction here than a Wiki doc? Or maybe, going the other way,
   the FAQ should be per version and bundled in with each release?

3. The Switcher Guides. As people feel motivated. The ones for CVS and
   Subversion (at least) need review/clean-up pre 1.0 I feel.

Ian C.

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