Robert is eating his own dogfood

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Aug 23 23:23:50 BST 2007

But as I don't have a dog, I'm just going to be hammering on pack based

I've put a knits version of the repository branch up at

I'll keep this up to date with so that people who want to read
my repos can.

But later today I intend to migrate my public repo at to packs.

And likewise my local repository is getting the pack treatment.

This is not a sign that the repository format is 'done'. I fully expect
to dump-and-reload both these repositories quite regularly; but I want
to find issues as fast as possible, and I think its sufficiently robust
to do this. (modulo the problem spivs work, and mine, demonstrates with
our file-graph -- inventory mismatch that abentley's check patch is
targeted at).

until we fix our core data I'm expecting considerable pain ;).

Wish me luck, and please join in the voyage!

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