[BUG] 0.90rc1: Stored FTP password not used

Bernd Eggink monoped at sudrala.de
Wed Aug 22 11:12:14 BST 2007

John Arbash Meinel schrieb:
> Hash: SHA1
> James Westby wrote:
>> On (15/08/07 13:14), Bernd Eggink wrote:
>>> In 0.90rc1, FTP passwords are still not read from .netrc, and passwords 
>>> inserted manually in the URLs in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf are ignored. The 
>>> latter worked in 0.18. In 0.90rc1, the password has to be entered manually 
>>> every time, which is very invonvenient!
>> Does anyone have a comment on this? Should it be fixed? Should it force
>> a second release candidate?
>> Thanks,
>> James
> It does indeed sound like a regression if it worked in 0.18. I'm pretty sure we
> didn't store the passwords in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf (at least by default, I
> think the user could edit the file to put them back in).

Yes, I could edit the file in 0.18. But the best solution IMHO would be 
if bzr read .netrc. Actually somebody (whose name I don't recall) 
promised  exactly that some weeks ago!


Bernd Eggink
monoped at sudrala.de

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