bazaar 0.91 roadmap

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Aug 17 08:10:33 BST 2007

Hello hackers,

I'll be the release manager for Bazaar 0.91, which is where changes
landed since early this week will come out.  I propose that we go back
to our normal interval of 4 weeks between releases, and round up to
get back to freezes/releases happening on Mondays (US/Pacific) and
Tuesday (Australia).  That gives these dates:

  4 September   0.91 feature freeze - bug fixes only from this date
 11 September   0.91 rc1
 18 September    0.91 release

these are also visible in

This release will change the default format to dirstate-tags, which
means that tags will be enabled by default and some branch-related
operations will be faster.  This format can be read by Bazaar 0.15 and
later releases.  There are some bugs in tags in the Bazaar bug
tracker.  Most of them are reasonably straightforward to fix and test,
and would probably be good starter bugs if anyone would like to look
at them:

In the last release cycle we got a really great flood of
contributions.  Thanks to some improvements to Bundle Buggy and some
dedicated work by reviewers we kept the review queue reasonably low.
Let's try to do that again.

Personally I'm going to focus on speeding up some inventory
operations, and on reviewing other people's work.

This is the spot where you can pile in to say what you want to or
expect to work on, or things you think other people should do.


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