[RFC] Sharing of survey results and impact on questions asked

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 10:50:37 BST 2007

On 10/08/07, Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net> wrote:
> Here's the web page sharing the (recent) results.
> http://www.surveymonkey.com/sr.aspx?sm=FDeDsLzaZ0AKNEATuA0QklWayMZKGfHcrP1U4V55jAY%3d

A couple of points:

1. With regard to "3. Your email address will never be published. May
we publish your other responses?", it's very easy to see email
addresses. Two ways: click on the "view" button in the email address
question (!) or click on "View" for the any other feedback question,
then on the "find" button.

2. The "what things do you want to see" summary is not particularly
readable. I can't determine what is the most popular enhancement (I
know it's non-trivial to interpret this sort of result, but a naive
rating of some sort would help a lot).

Overall, it looks nice, though.

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