PQM and conflicts

Nicholas Allen allen at ableton.com
Fri Aug 10 09:41:29 BST 2007


I really like the development model that bzr uses where patches are 
reviewed and the PQM then runs the test suit and so on thus ensuring the 
trunk is always stable. I would like to use this model for my own 
projects but I have a question. How does PQM handle a conflict?

I can imagine something like this would happen often with a file like 
NEWS where each developer adds the changes to the end of the list. I may 
have updated my branch with the latest trunk before submitting a merge 
request but if someone else's branch is merged before mine and they 
added to the NEWS file to (obviously at the same place because we would 
both add new entries at the end) then PQM will get a conflict. As I 
imagine this would happen with nearly every single merge request I guess 
the bzr developers have found a solution to this problem. Is there a 
simple solution to this or have I overestimated the number of conflicts 
with files like NEWS?



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