pack based repository up and running

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Aug 2 12:42:37 BST 2007

Its a bit crude in terms of plumbing still, but --- has an experimental
format which implements a pack based repository. The indices for this
are still mandatory - the data is not yet included in the packs to allow
the indices to be recreated on demand.

total layout:

$ ls .bzr/repository/ -lR
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 robertc robertc   32 2007-08-02 21:30 format
drwxr-xr-x 2 robertc robertc 4096 2007-08-02 21:32 indices
drwxr-xr-x 2 robertc robertc 4096 2007-08-02 21:32 lock
drwxr-xr-x 2 robertc robertc 4096 2007-08-02 21:32 packs
drwxr-xr-x 2 robertc robertc 4096 2007-08-02 21:32 upload

total 3812
-rw-r--r-- 1 robertc robertc  631715 2007-08-02 21:32 0.iix
-rw-r--r-- 1 robertc robertc  580311 2007-08-02 21:32 0.rix
-rw-r--r-- 1 robertc robertc  139264 2007-08-02 21:32 0.six
-rw-r--r-- 1 robertc robertc 2524329 2007-08-02 21:32 0.tix
-rw-r--r-- 1 robertc robertc       1 2007-08-02 21:32 index

total 0

total 29696
-rw-r--r-- 1 robertc robertc 30367853 2007-08-02 21:32 0.pack

total 0


$ du -sh .bzr/repository/*
4.0K    .bzr/repository/format
3.8M    .bzr/repository/indices
4.0K    .bzr/repository/lock
30M     .bzr/repository/packs
4.0K    .bzr/repository/upload

compared to the regular layout:
$ du -sh .bzr/repository/*
4.0K    .bzr/repository/format
644K    .bzr/repository/inventory.kndx
11M     .bzr/repository/inventory.knit
21M     .bzr/repository/knits
4.0K    .bzr/repository/lock
608K    .bzr/repository/revisions.kndx
2.7M    .bzr/repository/revisions.knit
156K    .bzr/repository/signatures.kndx
684K    .bzr/repository/signatures.knit

File counts:
find .bzr/repository/ | wc -l
experimental:   12
regular:      1543

All in all, I'm quite excited by this.

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