[RFC] doc directory reorganisation & I18N

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Aug 2 01:57:16 BST 2007

On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 10:46 +1000, Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
> >> 6. The whole tree below doc/ can be pushed to doc.bazaar-vcs.org/nnnn
> >>    and that website will have comprehensive docs for each release in
> >>    one or more languages.
> >>
> >> Does this sound good to everyone? If not, please suggest what you'd like
> >> to see instead.
> > 
> > It sounds good. We already do 6 right? Or are you suggesting some change
> > there?
> Yes, we already do 6 but the current tree is English only. So there will
> be a change to many external URLs, e.g.:
> from:  http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/current/tutorial.htm
> to:    http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/current/en/user-guide/tutorial.htm
> My thinking was that if we were moving files anyway, let's get the
> language code into the tree on that site below version now as well.

Ugh. HTTP has fine language negotiation support. So while the physical
layout may change, I'd like a language mapping so that the current urls
like http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/current/tutorial.htm continue to work -
and not a redirect :). This is good for a variety of reasons, and
supports multiple languages well. We can allow access to the /lange/
paths too if desired, but I don't see a benefit to that.

> In fact, one thing I forgot to suggest was fixing the htm suffix at the
> same time. I'd like to make that html now for much the same reason:
> let's get the doc URLs 'right' if we're changing them anyway. So let me add:
> 7. Change the htm suffix to html.
> I gather there's some history here I'm not aware of, e.g. Win98 support?

No idea. .htm is three letter though, so it may be better for windows. 


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