Moving/Removing Tags

Joachim Nilsson joachim.nilsson at
Tue Jul 31 21:20:38 BST 2007

John Arbash Meinel wrote, on 07/31/2007 04:36 PM:
> Joachim Nilsson wrote:
>> Side note: how about adding some extra text to the "help commands"
>> output for tags?  Like this, perhaps?
>> $ bzr help commands |grep tag
>> tag               Create/Remove/Modify a tag naming a revision.
> So the only real change here is from:
> tag               Create a tag naming a revision.
> to
> tag               Create/Remove/Modify a tag naming a revision.
> Seems good to me. Care to submit a patch?

OK, here's me trying that out for the first time.

Brace yourselves :)

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