Newbie question - how to publish my repository

Blake Winton bwinton at
Mon Jul 30 23:00:34 BST 2007

Kevin Light wrote:
> ----- "Blake Winton" <bwinton at> wrote:
>> The full write-up is at 
> I've read your blog post but wanted to make note of my experiences with
 > installing plug-ins.  I've found that most of the plug-ins want to live
 > in the python Lib\site-packages tree instead of where ever you specify
 > with the environment variable.

Perhaps so, but as you read in the blog, my site-packages tree is
C:\Program Files\Bazaar\lib\  Hardly a good place to put
a plugin, what with the needing to crack it open, and zip it up again,
and all.  ;)

(While it's true that I have python installed now, I didn't install it
  until after I installed bzr, and I don't really want to conflate the
 > If you've installed the stand-alone bzr package, its python will not be
 > looking there and most likely will not pick up any extra dependencies
 > such as the svn-python bindings or any of the GUI libs (as noted on the
 > wiki).

Heck, if you've installed the stand-along bzr package, you may not have 
a python to run the with.  :)

> Perhaps there should be a place on the wiki about building plug-ins
 > for the stand-alone windows installed version...

So far, aside from figuring out where they go, there haven't been any
problems with the plugins I've installed.  (bzrtools and 
send-and-update, specifically.)


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