[MERGE][Take Five] Show the diff in the commit messages

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Jul 26 19:34:34 BST 2007

John Arbash Meinel has voted +1 (conditional).
Status is now: Conditionally approved
There are some whitespace issues, like:
-            elif my_message and file:
+            elif (my_message and file ) or \
+                 (my_message and show_diff ) or \
+                 (file and show_diff ):

would be better as:
-            elif my_message and file:
+            elif ((my_message and file)
+                  or (my_message and show_diff)
+                  or (file and show_diff)):

But I'm more concerned with the API changes of having "make_commit_*" 
return an 8-bit string instead of Unicode, and "edit_commit_*" take 
8-bit instead of Unicode.

I know of at least 1 plugin that either is overriding edit_commit_* or 
using it to fill out an auto-generated commit message.

I'm not saying we can't do it, but at a minimum we need to be aware that 
it is happening, and it should be documented in NEWS.

For details, see: 

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