Req: Reset mtimes on reverts.

Marius Gedminas marius at
Thu Jul 26 12:17:30 BST 2007

On Wed, Jul 25, 2007 at 07:24:55PM -0400, Blake Winton wrote:
> >P.S. PyBloxom's modification-time behavior sounds really fragile.  It
> >would make a lot of sense to store modification time as part of the file
> >format, since the last file modification isn't necessarily the same as
> >the last content update.
> It's true, and I have hosed myself on that very fragility, but doing it 
> the way they do avoids the need to open and read every file.  It also 
> fits in quite nicely with the PyBlosxom philosophy of your weblog just 
> being a bunch of text files in a directory tree.
> There is of course a plugin which opens and reads every file to get the 
> time, but I don't use it because it seems too heavyweight.  (Although, 
> thinking about it, it would be fairly simple for me to write a program 
> which stores the mtimes in a file, and I could check that file in to bzr 
> when I added a new entry, since the date of that file wouldn't matter, 
> just its contents.)

That's exactly what I did to solve this problem for my PyBlosxom blog:

Marius Gedminas
Gates' Law: Every 18 months, the speed of software halves.
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