Doc review & quick ref card - anyone with some DTP skills?

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Wed Jul 25 01:42:13 BST 2007

Joachim Nilsson wrote:
> Sabin Iacob wrote, on 07/24/2007 08:51 PM:
>> the revised version:
>> +
>> still renders ok in Firefox
> Hi,
> first of all, great job!  This is exactly what I've been looking for to
> give to beginners.  Thanks!

Excellent. It's exactly the sort of thing I was hoping for as well!

Some more feedback:

* Add a "More Information" box above "Merging" showing how to use help
  (just 'bzr help' is enough) and referencing the web site.

* Leave out the "to apply to ../myproject-base" after
  "Create a revision bundle:"

* I think we should favour short options when they exist, e.g. for
  the bundle example.

* It feels a bit weird that both "remove" examples require options.
  What about this ...

    Remove files: bzr remove
    Unversion but keep files: bzr remove --keep

  If "unversion" is not a real word, perhaps "Stop Tracking files".
  If we do that, perhaps make "Add files" "Track files" for consistency
  (as Joachim suggested as well).

* Under "Concepts", Merging (verb) -> Merge (noun) and reword
  accordingly (as mentioned elsewhere).

Ian C.

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