"submit" command naming - just "bundle" preferred?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Jul 20 14:10:31 BST 2007

>>>>> "aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> writes:

    aaron> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
    >>>>>>> "aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> writes:
    aaron> As you know, PQM doesn't require and can't use a full-blown MIME email.
    aaron> So there also needs to be a way to ensure bzr just sends the message
    aaron> itself, with no editor popup or anything.
    >> And what about updating pqm so that it can just handle the same
    >> submissions than BB ?

    aaron> I started work on that, and then other things came up.

    >> I think Martin mentioned in this discussion that 'bzr merge
    >> bundle' was good.

    aaron> I agree, but why do you mention it?

To introduce the following sentence.

    >> If it's good for BB, it's good for PQM :-)

    aaron> I don't think I agree.  When I submit to PQM, I want it to work like the
    aaron> pqm-submit plugin works.

I was thinking about *adding* the ability to pqm, not replace the
existing one so that one can submit to pqm *without* the need for
a public branch.

    aaron> I don't want to be prompted to write an email that
    aaron> only PQM will see.

Vade Reto Satanas ! Me neither !

I'm perfectly happy with a command that send the email itself, I
was just talking about MIME email including a bundle, not having
an editor popping up !


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