Did you use another VCS tool before Bazaar?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Jul 20 08:49:16 BST 2007

>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net> writes:

<great stuff snipped/>

    Ian> So, if you know another VCS tool whether that be CVS, SVN, Perforce,
    Ian> Clearcase, StarTeam, Arch, Baz, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, SVK,
    Ian> whatever, and you can spare a few hours to help, please consider adding
    Ian> a Wiki page with the "Just Stuff" content I'm after. I'm happy to fix
    Ian> grammar if required, format it nicely, get it reviewed and merged into
    Ian> bzr.dev in coming months. But your expertise and knowledge of other
    Ian> tools is needed to get some raw content together first, particularly in
    Ian> terms of the key things users of those tools will be use to.

    Ian> If you can help, whether that be providing content or reviewing it once
    Ian> it's there, let me know. We only need a few of these Switcher Guides
    Ian> completed for 1.0 but draft content along these lines for any tool can
    Ian> only help make it easier for people to adopt Bazaar.

The text above should be very easily accessible in the wiki,
like... nobody trying to switch should miss it :-)

It will stay valid for quite some time and the mailing list is
not the appropriate place to archive it (IMHO).


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