Re: [RFC] Repository fasçade

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Jul 19 18:38:56 BST 2007

As I understand it, Aaron's talking about adding a new class which
provides a Facade and delegates some operations to an internal hidden
Revision.  This seems a bit similar to Michael Hudson's previous thread
asking for a facade on all of bzrlib suited to high-level api users like

In the long term, I don't think we want to have two different
Repository-like interfaces.  We don't want one messy one and one cleaner
one; we want to clean up the cleaner one.  It's not like the Repository
implementation we depend on is external code that we need to wrap because
we can't change it.

I'd much rather add new methods on Repository which do just what we want,
and then deprecate the old ones.  It's true that you can't reuse the old
names, but I don't think that's a strong enough reason to justify adding
indirection through a new class.

Maybe a good way to start that would be to post an rfc of api
documentation for what should really be on Repository.


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