[RFC] Higher risk changes planned when 0.19 opens?

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Mon Jul 9 04:50:26 BST 2007

On 7/9/07, Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net> wrote:
> All,
> Unless there is a good reason not to do so, I'm hoping to cut 0.18 RC1
> in around 24 hours from now. That means the trunk will be open for 0.19
> merges then as well.
> As you know, some changes are higher risk than others so right at the
> start of the development cycle for a new release is the best time to
> make those changes. Doing this gives us the maximum window for detecting
> issues before they reach the masses.
> If you'd like to see or land changes like this, *now* is a really good
> time to request them or discuss them with others in the community. There
> was talk at the beginning of 0.18 about changing the default format to
> be dirstate-with-tags but I'm pretty sure it never happened. I'm
> guessing that's one change that will be on the table for merging early
> in 0.19. Martin has sent out an RFC on locking changes that might also
> warrant early rather than late inclusion if they go ahead.

I have a branch that switches the default format.  It has some
failures which I think are not too fundamental.  I will try to update
that soon after rc1.

The locking cleanups would be nice but are not super important, and
also should not be very dangerous or intrusive.

Something that would be more intrusive and that also needs more
discussion would be changing dirstate not to use OS locks.  That would
help with Windows support and would also address some other bugs to do
with concurrent access -- at the moment you cannot read the tree while
it is being written, and readers generally fail rather than blocking.


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