problem on bazaar commit thru sftp
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at
Fri Jul 6 07:33:42 BST 2007
Hash: SHA1
With simple test I cannot to reproduce your problem,
but I use linux-based ssh/sftp server for testing.
May be problem in your sftp server.
Can you provide more information about this problem
by running commit command again with optional
- -Derror flag, e.g.:
D:\repository\bazaar >bzr -Derror commit -v -m "essai commit" head4
Or you can copy-paste relevant part of .bzr.log that resides
in My Documents folder on your machine.
Fernandes Gilbert пишет:
> Hello,
> I install Bazaar on 2 computers Windows XP.
> From the working machine I connect to the repository bazaar thru sftp
> A succed the
> bzr checkout s head4
> But after source update, when I do the commit I have an error
> Here the logs :
> D:\repository\bazaar >bzr commit -v -m "essai commit" head4
> Connected (version 2.0, client CoreFTP-0.1.1)
> SSH gfernandes at password:
> Authentication (password) successful!
> Secsh channel 1 opened.
> Opened sftp connection (server version 3)
> modified DFQSQACore/ANT/Abise-ant-config.txt
> modified DFQSQACore/ANT/ant-config-base.txt
> bzr: ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file
> on the repository computer I have installed a SFTP server (Core FTP
> mini-sftp-server).
> The sftp server work well (checkout of the sources from bazaar, login&
> update sources via a sftp client application)
> I have the 0.17 release (june 2007).
> Can you explain me the “No such file” error when I do the commit ?
> What’s wrong on my configuration ?
> Thanks
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