[MERGE] remove crackful MutableTree.smart_add behavior

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Thu Jul 5 01:39:29 BST 2007

On 7/5/07, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:

> > As it turns out, your code doesn't match the guarantee you have been
> > fighting for.  This already-present test case proves it doesn't:
> > Here's a patch to accomplish 3.

Much nicer, thanks.

So to be explicit: (and give people the chance to disagree) we are
going towards having the inventory hidden inside the tree, and in
particular the idea that you can have changes to the inventory held in
memory but not written out shouldn't be part of the tree interface.
It's possible that they'll be not written until it's unlocked, but
trees don't have to provide that.


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