[RFC] Pyrex .c file versioning

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Jul 3 08:46:15 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins пишет:
> I want to add another point to the .c versioning discussion, which is
> that I think more and more distros are getting the ability to build and
> ship from VCS rather than tarballs: I think we *should* ship the .c
> files in a branch.
> At a minimum this could be the 0.18 etc branch, but I think it would
> really be better to put them in bzr.dev.
> I think the churn due to different pyrex versions is addressable:
>  - we can do a trivial script to change the paths
>  - we can nominate an official version we build with.
> If we don't do this, I think its likely we will find distros that don't
> build the pyrex versions, or that encounter bugs related to having a
> different pyrex version in their build dependencies. Better for us to
> say 'heres the .c to build' consistently in all places we ship code.

AFAIK, pyrex has standalone compiler pyrexc to compile from pyx to c.
So we can switch from auto-build pyx->so/dll to 2 step process:

1. compile from pyx to c, and version c
2. setup.py script only compile c to so/dll extension, and don't touch pyx

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