No subject

Thu Jun 28 14:57:16 BST 2007

       -f          Trace child processes as they are  created  by  cur=E2=
                   rently  traced  processes as a result of the fork(2)
                   system call.

This is not needed during the tests, so far, so I disabled the
option for them.


Content-Type: text/x-patch
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=102019.patch

# Bazaar revision bundle v0.9
# message:
#   Fix #102019 by not asking strace to follow children forks during tests.
#   * bzrlib/tests/
#   (TestStrace.test_strace_callable_is_called,
#   TestStrace.test_strace_callable_result,
#   TestStrace.test_strace_result_has_raw_log): Don't follow childrens
#   when calling strace to avoid random hanging.
#   * bzrlib/
#   (strace): Provides a way do disable the strace '-f' option.
# committer: Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>
# date: Mon 2007-07-02 13:07:10.010999918 +0200

=== modified file NEWS
--- NEWS
+++ NEWS
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
       a file that is not present in the specified revision.
       (James Westby, #122656)
+    * Don't use the '-f' strace option during tests.
+      (Vincent Ladeuil, #102019).
     * The --lsprof-file option now dumps a text rendering of the profiling

=== modified file bzrlib/
--- bzrlib/
+++ bzrlib/
@@ -33,16 +33,25 @@
     :return: a tuple: function-result, a StraceResult.
+    # FIXME: strace is buggy
+    # ( and the
+    # test suite hangs if the '-f' is given to strace *and* more than one
+    # thread is running. The following allows the test suite to disable fork
+    # following to work around the bug.  It's a bit dirty to pollute the kwargs
+    # so we take a likely-to-be-unique name to avoid conflicts (*args and
+    # *kwargs are related to 'function').
+    follow_childrens = kwargs.pop('strace_follow_childrens', True)
     # capture strace output to a file
     log_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
     log_file_fd = log_file.fileno()
     pid = os.getpid()
     # start strace
-    proc = subprocess.Popen(['strace',
-        '-f', '-r', '-tt', '-p', str(pid), '-o',
-        ],
-        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-        stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+    strace_cmd = ['strace', '-r', '-tt', '-p', str(pid), '-o',]
+    if follow_childrens:
+        strace_args.append('-f')
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(strace_cmd,
+                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                            stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
     # Wait for strace to attach
     attached_notice = proc.stdout.readline()
     # Run the function to strace

=== modified file bzrlib/tests/
--- bzrlib/tests/
+++ bzrlib/tests/
@@ -51,13 +51,15 @@
         output = []
         def function(positional, *args, **kwargs):
             output.append((positional, args, kwargs))
-        strace(function, "a", "b", c="c")
+        strace(function, "a", "b", c="c",
+               strace_follow_childrens=False)
         self.assertEqual([("a", ("b",), {"c":"c"})], output)
     def test_strace_callable_result(self):
         def function():
             return "foo"
-        result, strace_result = strace(function)
+        result, strace_result = strace(function,
+                                       strace_follow_childrens=False)
         self.assertEqual("foo", result)
         self.assertIsInstance(strace_result, StraceResult)
@@ -65,5 +67,6 @@
         """Checks that a reasonable raw strace log was found by strace."""
         def function():
-        _, result = strace(function)
+        _, result = strace(function,
+                           strace_follow_childrens=False)
         self.assertContainsRe(result.raw_log, 'myfile')

=== modified directory  // last-changed:v.ladeuil+lp at
... ry7iv7hbqinrm
# revision id: v.ladeuil+lp at
# sha1: 2cf13cab6e7042a7450db3a9a9e40188028d7051
# inventory sha1: c58c35e582f779d2dc56e71b1e6d702cf698119c
# parent ids:
#   pqm at
# base id: pqm at
# properties:
#   branch-nick: 102019


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