[RFC] commit noise levels

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Tue Jun 26 07:19:15 BST 2007

>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net> writes:

    Ian> At the moment, the output noise controls (--quiet/-q, --verbose/-v)
    Ian> don't work the way I expect. In discussions with Robert, the consensus
    Ian> is that there ought to be 3 levels:

    Ian> 1. quiet - show nothing except for errors and warnings
    Ian>    (useful for scripts)
    Ian> 2. middle - quiet + the committed revision # message
    Ian> 3. verbose - show all messages

    Ian> Does that sound right to everyone?


    Ian> If so, then I'd like to seek agreement on how those
    Ian> levels ought to be activated. I explicitly labelled the
    Ian> 2nd level as "middle" because verbose mode is currently
    Ian> the default. I'd like to suggest making the 2nd level
    Ian> the default one, using -q for the first level and -v for
    Ian> the 3rd.



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