feature requests for loggerhead

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Mon Jun 25 05:37:19 BST 2007

On 6/19/07, Michael Hudson <michael.hudson at canonical.com> wrote:

> > You should look at archzoom, if you can still find a running instance
> > or get someone to help you set it up.  In some ways I think it's
> > superior to many other viewers in the density of information display
> > and visual elegance.
> It turns out http://archzoom.sourcecontrol.net/ is still running :)
> I find arch almost entirely bewildering though, so I'm a bit lost.  I
> agree the information is presented very densely, and afaict clearly.

I would encourage you to just poke around within it a bit, even if you
don't follow what every word means - you can ask David or someone else
in your timezone if you're puzzled.


for example.  I like the way it batches revisions so you can step
through the whole history but any single page is not too big.

> > * I actually like our nested log display much more than a viz
> > display, and would like if loggerhead showed something similar - put
> > disclosure triangles next to merges and when they're opened show the
> > revisions that are merged in.  I think this is often easier to read
> > than the tram tracks.
> You mean, recursively?  I guess that makes sense, but it has the
> possibility to make the basic /changes view a pretty huge file.  AJAXy
> stuff would be nice, but rather beyond my skill set...

I would think if you showed the last 50 or 100 mainline revisions plus
what they merged in it would be feasibly small, but I might be wrong.


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