[MERGE] log --long --verbose displays deltas for merge revisions

Kent Gibson warthog618 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 15:19:05 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel has voted +0.
> Status is now: Waiting
> Comment:
> As I understand it, this just changes 'log -v' to include the deltas
> for merged revisions as well as mainline. Is that correct?
> The only thing preventing it from being +1 is that we really need a
> show_log test for it.
> For details, see:
> http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/request/%3C4641D6F1.4050103%40gmail.com%3E
Here is a bundle that includes some tests.

There is a test to check that the deltas are provided in merge revisions
if the LogFormatter supports it (test_deltas_in_merge_revisions).
There is a test to check that the LongLogFormatter includes the deltas
of the merge revisions in the output

I got a little carried away and did a little refactoring of
tests/test_log.py and tests/blackbox/test_log.py while I was in there.
I grouped the tests in tests/test_log.py based on what they are testing
- - show_log or the various LogFormatters.
I moved test_merges_are_indented_by_level from blackbox to
tests/test_log.py since it is really a test of the LongLogFormatter.
I also wanted the LongLogFormatter tests to more precisely test the
generated log against the expected log, which I did by normalizing the
generated log.
I also replaced several calls to assertEquals with assertEqualDiff to
ease debugging.

Finally, I removed some commented out code in checkDelta (none of the
paths used in the tests include separators anyway), and re-instated one
commented out checkDelta which seemed like a valid enough part of the
test to me.

(John - sorry about the dupe - this time I'm using the right address)

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