Core Developer Handbook draft

Robert Collins robertc at
Tue Jun 19 03:06:08 BST 2007

On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 16:51 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> post_commit =

The preceeding line is not needed; its from the pre-0.15 plugin

> post_commit_to = bazaar-commits at
> post_commit_mailer = smtplib

I don't know about the last line being needed either - I certainly don't
have it in my config.

> Those lines are a good idea but they're not really related to pqm;
> that's to let other people see your work in progress by sending mail
> to a list.  It's nice but totally optional (if you feel shy about
> intermediate commits.) 

So lets make it clear they are optional; I think they are a great
idea :).

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