About merge-directive and SMTPConnection
Adeodato Simó
dato at net.com.org.es
Mon Jun 18 20:12:13 BST 2007
* Aaron Bentley [Sun, 17 Jun 2007 17:36:53 -0400]:
> > 1. SMTPConnection can only create MIME messages, and I have no idea
> > whether the automatic merge tools can cope with that. Do you know
> > if this can be an issue?
> The only automatic merge tool that currently supports merge directives
> is Bundle Buggy, and it actually expects to find merge directives in an
> attachment.
Aha. But current bzr does not put them in an attachment. (I thought it
was the PQM who understood merge directives.)
> > 1. reading the config for server/user/password
> > 2. private functions for connecting, authenticating, etc.
> > 3. a public method for sending a Message(), extracting the from and to
> > addresses from said Message, instead of passing them around as
> > arguments
> I would not want to lose the functionality in
> SMTPConnection._basic_message. I don't care how it's done, I just want
> to be able to specify a unicode from string, and not worry about
> encoding it correctly.
With my proposal the functionality would be kept, but in a different
class and with a bit of refactoring. So, two steps: merge a
SMTPConnection with the functionality outlined above; merge the rest of
mail-creating functionality in another class. I think this way is
cleaner, and I'll try to provide code in the following days. (It's okay
if you don't like it.)
Adeodato Simó dato at net.com.org.es
Debian Developer adeodato at debian.org
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