About merge-directive and SMTPConnection

Erik Bågfors zindar at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 20:05:26 BST 2007

On 6/17/07, Adeodato Simó <dato at net.com.org.es> wrote:
> Hello John (CC'ing the list in case somebody wants to comment).
> I had a look at moving merge-directive to use SMTPConnection, and I
> found some issues:
>   1. SMTPConnection can only create MIME messages, and I have no idea
>      whether the automatic merge tools can cope with that. Do you know
>      if this can be an issue?

While I do like being able to mail, I'm also a desktop user and I want
to only configure my mail settings once, and I like to be able to find
me mails that I send in my sent-folder.

Therefore I suggest that it should be possible to send these using a
mailto url. In gnome I'm fairly sure you can use "gnome-open
mailto:email at domain.com?subject=whatever&attach=file" or something
like that. On a mac, you should be able to run "open mailto:etc...."
but it might not accept the 'attach' keyword.  If so, I'll happily
write a applescript for this.

But I think it's very useful to be able to run through the mail client.

A loooong time ago I suggested this to darcs [1] and it was later
implemented [2] (but by that time I wasn't using darcs anymore :) )

[1] http://lists.osuosl.org/pipermail/darcs-devel/2004-December/000767.html
[2] http://lists.osuosl.org/pipermail/darcs-devel/2005-March/001563.html

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