[MERGE][Bug #113436] bzr pull --help should explain the status flags

Daniel Watkins D.M.Watkins at warwick.ac.uk
Fri Jun 8 20:58:01 BST 2007

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> You have built it on top of the update patch, which is more
> controversial.  It can issue two sets of status messages, which I think
> would be very confusing for the user.  I have pointed this out to you,
> but  I am still waiting for you to reply on that point.
Ack, yeah.  I confused bug numbers and so thought that this depended on
bug #56322 (my patch for which has already been approved).  If I'd not
done so, I wouldn't have submitted something depending on an unapproved

Attached is a bundle doing all but the 'help update' change, based
directly on bzr.dev.

Daniel Watkins (Odd_Bloke)
University of Warwick Christian Focus President
University of Warwick Computing Society WUGLUG Liaison Officer

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