[ANNOUNCE] Webserve, new release
Goffredo Baroncelli
kreijack at tiscalinet.it
Thu Jun 7 23:09:20 BST 2007
On Thursday 07 June 2007, you (Andrew Voznytsa) wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> [skip]
> >
> > > Also do you consider changing UI design? http://www.viewvc.org
> > style/concept
> > > is much better, user friendly and requires fewer moves to do what user
> > > typically does.
> > I have to admint that my (aesthetich) style isn't too good, but I don't
> > think
> > that viewvc has more feature... I will check in any case.
> It is not question of number of features but rather usability questions.
> For example, if we compare http://svn.mplayerhq.hu/ffmpeg/trunk/ and
> http://goffredo-baroncelli.homelinux.net/bazaar-dev/bazaar-webserve-dev?cmd=
> inventory;rev=ghigo%40venice-20070502195913-dlv45hjdjc3rabvd;pathrevid=ghigo
> %40venice-20070502195913-dlv45hjdjc3rabvd;path=
> ViewVC has much more information in this mode and is more user friendly. A
> few points:
> a) I'm able to easy identify each entry if it is file or directory by icon.
> Parsing a lot of -rwxr-xr-x (BTW 755 looks more hakish; with all respect) is
> tiring and such information is need much rarely than just File/Directory
> identification.
Add the icon support is a thing that I will evaluate. But now it is not easy
to implement.
> b) ViewVC has more compact view. You use much more space than required for
> each column.
Yes, I agree... I am not a good web designer... patches are welcome
> c) ViewVC shows last revision for directory. Age column is useful - it is
> easy to identify if something inside dir was changed since last visit or no
> (for example). Frequently used.
> d) Author field is also frequently used. I need to click to get this info in
> your case. I'm lazy. Everyone (mostly) too.
> e) Last log entry - I need extra click in your case
I will check if it is simple to get these informations. If I remember I have
to get the inventory then the revision of every entry.... It may be slow
> f) You don't provide way to switch between repositories quickly (if you
> support multiple repositories, sorry did not tested this yes)
You have to push the "up arrow" button on your browser... ( you don't have it?
use konqueror :-) )....
> If compare http://svn.mplayerhq.hu/ffmpeg/trunk/Changelog?view=log to
> http://goffredo-baroncelli.homelinux.net/bazaar-dev/bazaar-webserve-dev?cmd=
> changelog;rev=ghigo%40venice-20070422161342-e73pa5znl6fz09vj;pathrevid=ghigo
> %40venice-20070502195913-dlv45hjdjc3rabvd;path=__init__.py I find that your
> view is more complicated - there is a lot of symbols on the page but only
> small number of them is really need in typical use case.
I disagree.. as ViewCV user you can find webserver more complecated, I believe
that. Instead as webserver user I find ViewCV more complicated.
For example I don't find how i can get the diff of all the file between two
( see
> For example it is
> unclear for me why should I always look on fully qualified revision id
> instead of just short revision number? Those long numbers might be useless
> for 90% cases. I guess there is need some option 'Show full revision id'.
This is another click, and .../I'm lazy. Everyone (mostly) too/... :-)
> I may continue but it will be just IMHO. My summary is that ViewVC UI is
> much more comfortable. Comfort is something what I like too (and most of
> people).
> If I get task like yours then it would be very likely that I decide to
> develop browsing engine from scratch (to support all features of underlying
> VCS) and borrow UI design from the most popular solution, extending it to
> fully cover VCS features. One of them, as John mentioned, might be flat view
> of branch changesets (as you already did it but without terrorizing my mind
> with fully qualified revision id :))
I will try to find a way to display the revisionid smaller... but the truth is
that i really like the revision-id ( :-) )
> Best regards (and thanks for patience),
Thanks for your suggestion
> Andrew Voznytsa
gpg key@ keyserver.linux.it: Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijack at inwind.it>
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