[MERGE][0.17] ReST section dividers

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Jun 5 15:19:43 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>>> In general probably the editors people use on Linux are more likely to
>>> handle crlf, or at least display it reasonably.  gedit, which is about
>>> the closest approximation to notepad, can display a crlf file but
>>> mixes up the endings if you edit and save it.
>>> So how about if we make the documentation files always crlf format?
>> Please, *don't*.
>> Currently our bundle format is vulnerable to CRLF.
>> All my point is not about LF vs CRLF, but about .txt extension.
>> I tried to rename files that included into *another* big ReST document,
>> to properly handle dependencies. That was my point. I ever don't touch
>> other standalone documents. But I'm give up.
>> I'll rework my patch based on the discussion:
>> * use always .txt extensions
>> * use bike-shed color scheme that most intuitive for most of us
>> [µ]
> Alex,
> Thanks for your work on this. I value it highly.
> As you know, it's scary how many people will make a "30 second
> assessment" about a project based on the quality of it's web site and
> the organisation of its documentation. We're better than many (with room
> to improve) on the web-site front. The documentation organisation is
> below when I'd like to see us though.
> If it helps, I always remapped the default 'txt' file editor on Windows
> to be WordPad instead of Notepad. The only reason was it's handling of
> Unix text files. The problem isn't savvy users though - it's Windows
> developers expecting things to "just work" like pure Windows apps. We
> need to accomodate them.
> If we use .rst, is there a rst2txt converter than produces real text?
> Ian C.

Well, arguably it is real text. The point of rst is to be readable in text
form, which has enough structure to be able to generate other forms. (As
opposed to something like LaTeX or XML/HTML which *can* be read in text form,
but are not pretty).

As for Windows, there is a "dos2unix" and "unix2dos" programs provided by
cygwin. It is also easy to write a python script which reads with universal
newlines and writes in text mode.

  python -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.stdout.read()))"

Should be sufficient because sys.stdin/stdout default to text mode.


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