[MERGE][0.17] ReST section dividers

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Tue Jun 5 10:29:07 BST 2007

On 6/5/07, Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net> wrote:
> If it helps, I always remapped the default 'txt' file editor on Windows
> to be WordPad instead of Notepad. The only reason was it's handling of
> Unix text files. The problem isn't savvy users though - it's Windows
> developers expecting things to "just work" like pure Windows apps. We
> need to accomodate them.
> If we use .rst, is there a rst2txt converter than produces real text?

I have seen some mention of an rst2txt that would strip out all or
most of the markup, but it doesn't seem to exist yet.

I would think most Windows users would be happier with html
documentation, and we should make that the primary distributed format.
 Wanting to read the docs through 'less' is more of a unix thing.  We
can leave the txt files with unix line endings, and hopefully anyone
wanting to read/edit them on Windows will use an editor that can cope.


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