bzr status and commit strange behaviour
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at
Sat May 12 10:57:52 BST 2007
Stefano Spinucci пишет:
> On Windows 2000, using the unofficial binary provided by Alexander
> Belchenko (,
> working on a network share, I encountered the following problem:
> - bzr status --> showed a file to commit
> - bzr commit --> don't commit the file, and created an empty commit
> - bzr status --> showed again the same file to commit
> - bzr commit --> don't commit the file, and created another empty commit
> - ...changing the file...
> - bzr status --> showed a file to commit
> - bzr commit --> commited the file
> - bzr status --> showed no file to commit
> - bzr commit --> failed because there was nothing to commit
> Any hint for this strange behaviour (a modified file not committed and
> an empty commit created)???
> Maybe reopening, saving again and closing the file (an excel
> spreadsheet) I removed some strange/subtle lock on the file letting
> the commit to succeed???
Probably your case is the same as described in bug report #113823
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