[rfc] Does launchpad supports mirror of branch6 (with tags)?

Jonathan Lange jml at mumak.net
Mon Apr 30 00:35:37 BST 2007

On 4/29/07, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> > What version of bzr running on launchpad?
> > Does it already supports tags and branch6 format?
> > If not -- when launchpad planning to upgrade for 0.15-0.16?
> >
> > I'd like to push some my branches with tags.
> >
> > [µ]
> >
> As of last week, no. I was reading on IRC that someone (Jonathan Lange?)
> was working on upgrading the bzr that Launchpad used.
> I know at one point it was still on bzr-0.8, since the disk structure
> had not changed since then. (Which is also why a lot of .kndx files are
> not properly packed, etc).
> So my understanding is that it is in the works, but not there yet. Maybe
> this week?

My sources tell me that a version of Launchpad that uses Bazaar 0.15
was released late last week.

If there are any issues with using format6 features, please re-open


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