bzr-pqm devel ?

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Apr 26 15:51:11 BST 2007

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 21:52 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Robert Collins wrote:
>>> Seems like bzr-pqm has its own devel group rather than bzr. I'm just
>>> wondering whether this is needed?
>> I think we don't have to worry about barbarian hordes defacing our
>> beautiful bzr-pqm.  If anything, we *are* the barbarian hordes...
> This is true. What I guess I mean is 'dang, why did I have to join a
> different group to be able to commit to bzr-pqm'? (btw, it will now
> reject multiline commit messages, fixing a long standing way to corrupt
> the pqm web interface). (It will be lovely when pqm handles them itself
> via merge directives).
> -Rob

I set up bzr-pqm a long time ago, and at the time it seemed to make
sense to make a separate group.

Now that I've set up 20 more plugins, and made all of them just part of
the 'bzr' group, I've seen the error of my ways.

I'm fine with nuking bzr-pqm-devel, and switching it over.


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