[Feature request][Bundle buggy] Support compressed bundle

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Sat Apr 21 18:28:12 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> does Bundle Buggy can support compress bundle ?

It doesn't.  It could, but I'm not sure that's the right fix.

> Because I think that is uncomfortable that everyone in the mailinglist 
> downloads an email with a file attached of 180KB, I think that it is useful 
> that Bundle Buggy handle compressed bundle. 

Bundle Buggy doesn't currently support that, but you can publish a
branch and send a merge directive instead of a bundle.

I think this is more a bug in the bundle format.  Everything after the
first patch should be compressed.

> If an user in not interested in the email, they download only the compressed 
> bundle.

NNTP and IMAP both allow the user to avoid downloading messages they are
not interested in.

> The big disadvantage is that it is very uncomfortable to [re]view an enclosed 
> bundle from a non connected environment....

IMHO, that is a severe problem.  A merge request should include a diff
that should what would happen if the request was applied.

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