[MERGE][BUG 51980] bzr log <file>returns inappropriate revisions

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Apr 18 14:30:17 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Kent Gibson wrote:

> I'm despairing of any solution that requires delta generation since
> that is so damn slow.
> So I've been wondering if we can compare ancestry instead of full deltas.

> The changes could probably use some polish, and could certainly use a
> more extensive test suite, but I think it's a big improvement over
> what was there.
> e.g. here are a few benchmarks for 'bzr log NEWS' on my machine:
>     bzr.dev   ~1.5minutes
>     your full delta approach ~7.5 minutes
>     my patch ~10sec (and half of that is the time it takes to dump
> ~2000 entries to the screen)

I'm willing to clean this up a bit (if possible) and expand the test suite.

Is it possible to still land this for 0.16?

Arguably this is just a bug fix. Though it is a more invasive one.

However, I can certainly argue that "bzr log foo" is currently broken
(and has been for a while). So even if this is somehow incorrect, I have
the feeling it is still more correct than what we have.

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