Using the SmartServer of v0.15 with xinetd

Thomas Ackermann thomas.ackermann at
Thu Apr 12 16:35:13 BST 2007


i tried the following to get bzr running as daemon under xinetd:

localhost:/etc/xinetd.d # cat bzr
service bzr
         server_args     = serve --inet --directory=/home/archive/bzr
         log_on_success  += DURATION USERID
         log_on_failure  += USERID
         nice            = 10
         disable         = no
         socket_type     = stream
         protocol        = tcp
         wait            = no
         user            = bzruser
         server          = /usr/local/bin/bzr
         port            = 22618

localhost:/etc/xinetd.d # /etc/init.d/xinetd stop
Shutting down xinetd:                                                 done
localhost:/etc/xinetd.d # /etc/init.d/xinetd start
Starting INET services. (xinetd)                                      done

localhost:/etc/xinetd.d # grep -i bzr /var/log/messages | tail -1
Apr 12 17:30:32 austria073 xinetd[22967]: Reading included configuration 
file: /etc/xinetd.d/bzr [file=/etc/xinetd.conf] [line=26]

localhost:/ # cd ~bzruser/

localhost:/home/archive/bzr # ls
total 8
-rw-r--r--  1 bzruser users 51 Apr 12 16:57 README.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 bzruser users 25 Apr 12 17:01 logme

localhost:/home/archive/bzr # bzr status

And now, i try to talk to the bzr daemon:

localhost:/home/archive/bzr # bzr log bzr://localhost:22618
bzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: unexpected smart server 
error: ("failed to open trace file: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 

localhost:/home/archive/bzr # su - bzruser
bzruser at austria073:~> bzr log bzr://localhost:22618
bzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: unexpected smart server 
error: ("failed to open trace file: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 

What?s up?!?!

This file exists - but is not available to "bzruser", also even if i 
make it readable to "bzruser" the same error occurs :-(

Any idea?

Everything runs fine with a dedicated server ...

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