re 0.15rc3/win32: bug report, suggestion and question
Olexandr Byelchenko
bialix at
Sun Apr 1 20:09:53 BST 2007
Hash: SHA1
Andrew Voznytsa пишет:
> Martin Pool wrote:
>> On 4/1/07, Andrew Voznytsa <andrew.voznytsa at> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I tried to use 0.15 with lightweight checkout (0.14) from shared
>>> repository (0.14) and I got this:
>>> bzr: ERROR: paramiko.SFTPError: Garbage packet received
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 650, in run_bzr_catch_errors
>>> File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 612, in run_bzr
>>> File "bzrlib\commands.pyc", line 304, in run_argv_aliases
>>> File "bzrlib\builtins.pyc", line 948, in run
>>> File "bzrlib\branch.pyc", line 129, in open
>>> File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyc", line 544, in open
>>> File "bzrlib\lazy_import.pyc", line 106, in __call__
>>> File "bzrlib\transport\__init__.pyc", line 1039, in get_transport
>>> File "bzrlib\transport\__init__.pyc", line 1097, in
>>> _try_transport_factories
>>> File "bzrlib\transport\__init__.pyc", line 109, in _loader
>>> File "bzrlib\transport\sftp.pyc", line 223, in __init__
>>> A c File "bzrlib\transport\sftp.pyc", line 834, in _sftp_connect
>>> ce s File "bzrlib\transport\sftp.pyc", line 1198, in _sftp_connect
>>> s d File "bzrlib\transport\sftp.pyc", line 1204, in
>>> _sftp_connect_uncached
>>> en i File "bzrlib\transport\ssh.pyc", line 343, in connect_sftp
>>> ed
>>> File "paramiko\sftp_client.pyc", line 87, in __init__
>>> File "paramiko\sftp.pyc", line 108, in _send_version
>>> File "paramiko\sftp.pyc", line 183, in _read_packet
>>> SFTPError: Garbage packet received
>>> bzr 0.15.0candidate3 on python (win32)
>>> arguments: ['bzr', 'co', 'sftp://username@host/repository/branch']
>>> Server is, host WinXP Pro SP2,
>>> repository - shared, no trees, 0.14 format. Working tree is lightweight
>>> checkout (0.14 too).
>>> Note: ssh keys were regenerated after last checkout 0.14, before
>>> upgrading to 0.15rc3.
>>> After that I used bzr 0.14. It said that keys mismatched and I should
>>> edit here and there to make it working. I did it and bzr 0.14 worked
>>> just fine. So I tried 0.15 again - it failed. Seems that SSH is a
>>> problem.
>> I'm surprised that we're getting an error from that place inside
>> paramiko if it's a bzr bug. Could it be that your installation on
>> Windows is using a different version of paramiko for the two
>> installations of Bazaar?
> Actually I don't know. I've two bzr's 0.14 and 0.15rc3, both installed
> using Win32 installer.
> Path to 0.15 is in the PATH, bzr 0.14 isn't.
>>From SSH side I've installed Putty and OpenSSH (both in the PATH)
> If you need I may look in some places for paramiko or run some tests.
> Also I just reboot this PC and 0.15 crash DISAPPEAR. IMO it could be
> something wrong with installer.
Really weird.
> sshd was uninstalled (PC rebooted a few times after sshwindows
> uninstall) before installing 0.15. When I realized than accesss to old
> location fro unbinding is mandatory I installed it (without PC rebooting
> - sshwindows did not ask for).
> Also just before running 0.15 installer I moved 0.14 folder from \bzr to
> \bzr--0.14 and installed 0.15 into \bzr
> If Python uses some kind of lib caching (i.e. unpacks zips into %TEMP%)
> then it could be possible that 0.15 used 0.14 cache. Just a guess - I'm
> not familiar with Python.
No. Python use import from zip mechanism. So no unpacking to temp dir.
I specially use such form of standalone bzr.exe to reduce startup time.
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