re 0.15rc3/win32: bug report, suggestion and question

Olexandr Byelchenko bialix at
Sun Apr 1 20:02:21 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Martin Pool пишет:
> On 4/1/07, Andrew Voznytsa <andrew.voznytsa at> wrote:
>> I tried to use 0.15 with lightweight checkout (0.14) from shared
>> repository (0.14) and I got this:
>> bzr: ERROR: paramiko.SFTPError: Garbage packet received
>> SFTPError: Garbage packet received
>> bzr 0.15.0candidate3 on python (win32)
>> arguments: ['bzr', 'co', 'sftp://username@host/repository/branch']
>> Server is, host WinXP Pro SP2,
>> repository - shared, no trees, 0.14 format. Working tree is lightweight
>> checkout (0.14 too).
>> Note: ssh keys were regenerated after last checkout 0.14, before
>> upgrading to 0.15rc3.
>> After that I used bzr 0.14. It said that keys mismatched and I should
>> edit here and there to make it working. I did it and bzr 0.14 worked
>> just fine. So I tried 0.15 again - it failed. Seems that SSH is a
>> problem.
> I'm surprised that we're getting an error from that place inside
> paramiko if it's a bzr bug.  Could it be that your installation on
> Windows is using a different version of paramiko for the two
> installations of Bazaar?

IIUC, Abdrew use standalone bzr.exe with paramiko packed inside it.
Both 0.14 and 0.15 are based on Python 2.5. But 0.14 use Paramiko 1.6.3,
and 0.15 use Paramiko 1.7 + my ctypes patch.
As I can see from traceback -- the problem is not related to my
ctypes patch. It's mostly paramiko internals.

I can prepare special version of 0.15 with old paramiko to check
is the problem in library version. Andrew, do you want to try?

I also want to reproduce your problem myself. Andrew, can you tell me
what configuration of network environment and SSH server you are use?
You can contact me in private mail.

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