Bazaar and web hosting

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Mar 29 17:44:46 BST 2007

(If you reply on list, someone else can answer when I've forgotten to :)

Massimo Manca wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel ha scritto:
>> Massimo Manca wrote:
>>> Is it possible to install Bazaar on a web page hosted by a provider
>>> without having administrator rights?
>> If you just want to host a Bazaar branch on a web page, all you need is
>> filesystem access (ftp, sftp, are generally sufficient). With just ftp
>> and http you can push your branch somewhere public, and other people can
>> download it.
> ok, I need a repository (in cvs terms excuse me but I am new to bazaar)
> not publicy available; I am sure to have ftp and http access I have to
> check if I may have sftp.

Well, you want want that is semi-private, right? You want specific
people to have access, but not everyone.

>> If you also want to host a Tree (so that you can see the working files
>> with just a regular web browser), then you probably need shell access (ssh).
> this would be fine but haven't to be public. The idea is to have a web
> repository but with the possibility to work also not always connected so
> for my intention bazaar is like a sort of distributed cvs. Of course if
> it is possible to use it in this way.

It is certainly possible. You may want to consider:

Which focuses on working in a very similar manner to CVS/SVN.

bzr can use FTP to host a branch. However, we have found that FTP
servers have more variation than SFTP servers. (perhaps the SFTP
protocol is just defined better). Because of this variation we can't say
that bzr will work with all possible FTP servers. But if you find one it
fails with, we will be happy to try to make it work.


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