Packaging for 0.15rc3

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Mar 29 01:18:29 BST 2007

On 3/29/07, James Westby <jw+debian at> wrote:
> > Is the paramiko dependency the only incompatibility?
> Yes, as far as I know. It is only optional, but bzr is a lot more useful
> with it obviously.

Yes, though still reasonably usable without it as you can now use
bzr+ssh with an external ssh.  If I was on an old platform with
python2.4 but without paramko I'd probably do that.

Is Paramiko and it's dependencies in Sid?

> Backporting paramiko isn't that easy, there is a long chain of
> dependencies that need to be backported or upgraded. I have some
> packages at
> that could be used as a starting point.
> However the list of packages is long, and do you want to risk providing
> packages that cause headaches when the users come to upgrade? I am not
> sure that they will, but it is a consideration.

So how about just changing paramiko to a Suggests or even removing it?


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